Saturday, January 9, 2010

Web site palsu (FAKE) - Maybank and Hong Leong

Please note it is not easy to tell the difference between FAKE and genuine website if you do not pay close attention. 
The only difference is to refer to the 
address bar.

Teman sekelian tentu telah notice akan pelbagai makluman dari Bank Negara Malaysia dan PDRM berkaitan dgn online bank transactions aktiviti yg dilakukan oleh pihak tertentu yg bertujuan utk mencuri info dari pelanggan akaun online banking. 
Disini saya ingin share dua link yg saya sendiri terima yg betul betul menyerupai M2U dan HLB sites dihantar melalui mail dgn alasan saya harus memperbaharui info didalam akaun saya.  Sila perhatikan dan lihat perbezaan masing masing.

Website palsu M2U

Website ‘ori’ M2U

Website palsu Hong Leong

Website ‘ori’ Hong Leong (Genuine)

Tak nampak perbezaannya, rite. Memang sukar utk mencari perbezaannya. These ppl are very good at their job copying the original site.
The only difference is to refer to the address bar. The web address should refer to the bank’s address dan juga sila pastikan tanda icon kunci(mangga) ada pada site itu coz itu confirm that it is a secured site and not a fake site.
Sila berjaga jaga ya coz once they have ur id and password, penat-penat duit dan simpanan yg diusaha boleh hilang sekelip mata.

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